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The Gold Standard Of Survey Analysis

Harness the next generation of AI and machine learning to analyse survey responses.

Be Smart With Your Survey Data

Instant Turnaround

Simply upload your survey data and get results back instantly.

Save on Costs

Guarnteed price cuts: reduce costs of survey coding by over 50%. 

Immediate Reporting

Have crystal-clear survey data graphics ready to share with clients instantly.


Survey Verbatim

Auto Coding

Instantly auto code and analyse survey data with advanced ML/ AI to uncover key trends, sentiment shifts, and emerging topics, empowering data-driven decisions.

Automated Reporting Generation

Automatically generate an in-depth analysis or a quick snapshot of the data filled with crucial insights to share with clients. Truth-finding has never been easier.

Vectoring / Changes Over Time

Track response changes over time. Spot trends, shifts, and anticipate future changes with intuitive dashboards and AI-driven reports for actionable insights.

Unusable Response Detection

Our LLM and Unusable Response Detection Engines surpass industry standards, filtering AI-generated and unusable survey data for cleaner insights and chargebacks.

Take Your Analysis Into The 21st Century

We would love to discuss how Atom can help your agency save costs, speed up turarounds and deliver the best insights. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week- the Atom Guarantee.

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